I have been working with Powerpoint for almost a decade. And I had great success with it. It is not so much the text that is appealing, it is the pictures. A picture can tell more than thousands books. Today I was watching the launching of the I-pad bij the CEO of Apple himself. I thought this guy really proved the point that interesting images can really support a lecture.
But there was more that was interesting apart from the all the glorious features of the Ipad. The film showed not only the powerpoint or keynote images but also the speaker himself. I thought that that was clearly an innovation. Normally the speaker disappears if the public looks with awe to the beautiful images. Now this distraction problem seems tobe solved.
As far as the Ipad is concerned, I can’t wait to read the New York Times on it. And I can’t wait to buy books and put them on my book shelf. I am now 50 years old. We live in a rather small detached house. With three daugthers and I don’t have much space for my books, so I am constantly buying and selling books. With the I-pad that will be something of the past.
Here you can see the lecture of the CEO of Apple launcing the I-pad
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Ik blijf me verbazen over de creativiteit van mensen. Hopelijk is dit een stimulatie om nog goedkoper kwalitatief hoogwaardige informatie aan te bieden. En waarom stoppen met boeken. Kan niet wachten mijn nrc next ‘s ochtends erop te lezen, nog goed voor het millieu ook.